
Holding the System Accountable

Holding the System Accountable

The Idaho system as it is today needs to be completely dismantled. All of the corruption is enabled by laws and programs that are incentivizing bad behavior.

Federal Programs

The first step would be to completely cut Idaho off from federal funding until they can prove that the corruption and fraud are gone. The courts, lawyers, Department of Health and Welfare, and deadbeat mothers are just living off the federal government, and they have no incentive to change, since it’s a system without accountability, and favors the more abusive parents.

U.S. Treasury

Cut Idaho off from ARPA funds. These was the Biden-era COVID stimulus payments. Idaho cashed in on this, building themselves a new “justice building.” This clearly has nothing whatsoever to do with COVID, and spending this money on an already corrupt North Idaho law system is a complete waste of taxpayer money.

Health and Human Services (HHS)

  1. Investigate the fraud and waste in the child support enforcement program. Local states are just by default burdening fathers with this. They have incentive to just overwhelm a working parent, without giving them say. This happened to me.
  2. Investigate administration for child and families (ACF) and court improvement program (CIP). The local court systems are totally corrupt, denying men their due process rights, and this money is being wasted. Courts need to be shut down unless they can prove they are not denying fathers their due process rights. This money is being used to destroy families and children, not help them. It’s incentivizing nasty mothers and nasty judges and lawyers to take all the money.
  3. Investigate temp assistance for needy families (TANF), as any hustler can easily get this money. This incentivizes people to stop working, and just get as much aid as they can for their child. My ex-wife is abusing this system in Idaho, so I see what’s happening.
  4. Investigate block grants such as SSBG. All this is doing is enabling women to live on government aid. This is just one more tool for them. When you make daycare cheaper, it just gives them greater incentive not to work. My ex has used numerous programs, including benefits from this one, that allow her to just sit at home doing nothing, despite being 41 years old, healthy, and educated and able to work. She just doesn’t feel like it since the government gives her so many options.

Social Security Administration

  1. SSA Title IV is giving money to corrupt state court systems who are destroying fathers, protecting child abusers, and giving money to mothers who are committing fraud and fabricating claims of child abuse. Child support money is being wasted. State department of health and welfare or HHS offices are full of corrupt workers who are shielded by immunity laws, so they are totally unaccountable for their behaviors that are destroying fathers and children.
  2. Social security survivors’ benefits are being wasted and there is no accountability. I reported a woman who was receiving benefits for her minor child and was simply pocketing the money and living off of it. She ignored the rule of keeping money separate. Nobody investigated or cared. The money that is meant to help children is being fraudulently stolen, and there’s no accountability. People should have to prove that they’re keeping money separately and spending it on the person it is intended for, and these audits need to be done.

Department of Justice (DOJ)

  1. Investigate OVW (violence against women). Authorized by VAWA in 1994, women are making false claims, getting protection orders, and there is no due process or police report. The program is both sexist and is largely a weapon for false accusations.
  2. Investigate the corrupt violence against women act (VAWA). States allow women to make claims without evidence or police reports & get protection orders from corrupt judges. Even after my ex-wife admitted her claims were totally fabricated, there were no consequences.
  3. Investigate personal bankruptcies. I know of one woman who lives on government aid, doesn’t feel like working, and files bankruptcy every 7 years after maxing out credit. She’s spending the money on vacations and cars. For some reason, the government doesn’t care.


The fraud and waste in SNAP and WIC is enormous. I know my ex-wife and her sister got on this, simply because they don’t feel like working. They used to have jobs, then they just quit and got on aid. They’re both around 40, completely healthy, and able to work. But since the government hands out EBT cards so easily, they just live off that. This is for Idaho, but I would assume it’s a nationwide thing. Divorce court judges also do not care, they are just fine with women living on government aid forever.

State Programs

The Idaho State Bar (ISB), licensing boards, and Department of Health and Welfare are not able to self-police. They are not investigating clear and obvious corruption and abuse of power. This is simply incentivizing nasty and corrupt workers within the organization to just do whatever they want, and completely demolish good parents. They commit fraud, lie, and just ignore good people entirely.

The state legislature needs to look at dismantling and prosecuting workers within these departments who have been engaged in the fraud and abuse, especially within the Child and Family Services (CFS) of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW).

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