
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) Child and Family Services (CFS)

shielding child abusers and blaiming victims

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) Child and Family Services (CFS)

As a father, I never imagined I’d find myself in a situation where I’d have to fight not only to protect my child but also to defend myself against false accusations from the very system meant to safeguard children. My experience with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) and its Child and Family Services (CFS) division has been nothing short of devastating. It’s a story of corruption, negligence, and a system that seems more focused on protecting abusers than the innocent children it’s supposed to serve.

The Beginning of a Nightmare

In 2022, my then-wife was a stay-at-home mother caring for our 2-year-old daughter. Financially, we were stable, but things began to take a dark turn. My wife exhibited signs of severe depression and, alarmingly, started suggesting we put our daughter up for adoption. She claimed she was an “incapable parent,” which deeply concerned me. I reassured her that our daughter needed her family, but the situation only worsened.

By December 2022, I noticed our daughter’s weight was dropping significantly. When I asked my wife for medical records, she refused—a red flag that something was terribly wrong. In February 2023, I took our daughter to a pediatrician and was horrified to learn she was severely malnourished and diagnosed with “failure to thrive.” Even more shocking, my wife had falsely accused me of putting our daughter on a vegan diet, claiming it was the cause of her malnutrition. This was a complete fabrication, as neither I nor anyone in our family has ever followed a vegan or vegetarian diet.

The First Contact with CFS

Fearing for my daughter’s life and my own reputation, I immediately took action. I insisted on being the sole person responsible for feeding her, and within two weeks, she began to gain weight rapidly. I also contacted Child and Family Services (CFS), hoping they would intervene to protect my daughter and hold my wife accountable.

When a CFS agent visited our home, my wife refused to speak—a glaring red flag. The agent even acknowledged that my wife had psychological issues and noted that her older son had described a lack of rules or structure in the home. For a moment, I felt heard.

But then the report came out.

A System in Disarray

The CFS report was a complete distortion of reality. It omitted any mention of my wife’s psychological issues or her false accusations. Instead, it bizarrely accused me of having OCD—a claim with no basis in fact. It was clear that someone within the agency had interfered, rewriting the narrative to protect my wife.

Things escalated in October 2023 when a judge ordered a new investigation based on evidence I presented of my wife’s abuse and neglect. Instead of investigating her, CFS produced a damning report against me, filled with lies, hearsay, and false accusations. They refused to speak with me, ignored the documentation I provided, and presented a one-sided story to the court. The judge accepted their report without allowing me to defend myself, effectively branding me as the problem.

The Fight for Accountability

I filed a federal lawsuit against IDHW and CFS in response to the October 2023 report, but the system was stacked against me. Eventually, I voluntarily dismissed the case, simply because I could not mentally and physically handle the demands of fighting the Attorney General’s Office without an attorney or any support. When you sue IDHW and CFS, you’re suing the State of Idaho, so the Attorney General is then defending these people.

In addition to this, I reported the workers to IDHW. Of course, I never heard anything back. Essentially, these workers are untouchable, and there’s no accountability in this system whatsoever. Idaho refuses to be held accountable for their actions, so child abuse and false allegations will continue under the corrupt IDHW so long as this system exists.

The individuals involved in this travesty—Karyn Crone, Nikki Stocking, and Sarah Tanner—have operated with impunity. Sarah Tanner, in particular, stands out for her blatant corruption. She refused to identify herself or those she interviewed, ignored my attempts to communicate, and produced a report that was nothing short of a hit piece. These individuals should be held accountable, but the state has shown no interest in investigating their misconduct. The judge in our case refused to allow me to defend myself, taking the report as gospel.

For those who wish to contact these individuals, here is their information:

  • Kacey: 208-819-6906
  • Sarah Tanner: 208-952-2421 or 208-597-3998

A Broken System

What I’ve experienced is not just a failure of one agency—it’s a systemic issue. The lack of oversight, the refusal to record investigations, and the unchecked power of CFS workers create an environment where corruption thrives. Body cameras and transparency should be mandatory to ensure accountability, but the state seems unwilling to implement such measures.

I believe there are deeper connections at play, possibly between IDHW, CFS, and local women’s organizations that prioritize protecting women at all costs—even when those women are abusers. This bias against men, particularly fathers, is pervasive and destructive.

Final Thoughts

My story is a cautionary tale for anyone who trusts that the system will protect their children. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and its Child and Family Services division have failed my daughter, failed me, and failed countless other families. Until there is accountability, transparency, and a willingness to root out corruption, these agencies will continue to harm the very people they’re meant to serve.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.