Kootenai County Sheriff and Coeur d’Alene Police Department
How the Kootenai County Sheriff and Coeur d'Alene Police Department hurt children and innocent people
My experience with both the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office and Coeur d’Alene PD has been nothing but negative. In my experience, they are defending the wrong people, and they’re hurting innocent people. They overall make North Idaho a much worse place, and they incentivize bad people to continue to act badly, since they won’t face consequences.
In some cases, the police are simply following orders, and the blame is on the judges. However, I would question why someone would take a job, where they know they will simply be enforcing what is unjust and corrupt orders pushed by these local judges. Why not quit and do something else? These cops are definitely complicit, so I don’t buy the idea of just following orders.
Felony Wiretapping Investigation
I was contacted by a detective with Kootenai County Sheriff’s office around April 2023. They had been investigating two sisters (one is my ex wife), who spent years planting secret recording devices in a man’s car in order to use those recordings to both destroy his reputation, and to use the recordings against him in family court. This is of course highly illegal, and is a felony crime.
Mind you, these sisters did this for years together. They made transcripts of huge amounts of recordings. They knew what they were doing was criminal. They even admitted to police that they made these recordings. One of these people even admitted that they were behind the plan.
However, when prosectors were unable to get ahold of the actual recordings from the sister they dropped the case. Dropped the case, despite admissions of guilt from them, despite these sisters having submitted transcripts to the court, despite numerous witnesses having heard these recordings.
The two sisters should have gotten prison time for what they did. But of course, because of the corrupt and lazy detectives, and corrupt prosecutor, these sisters got away with it. All this did is embolden the sisters, and they’ll just keep doing it since they know there’s no penality.
Protective Orders
A common tactic or narcissistic women is to bait their exes, get them to get angry, then go to a judge for a protection order claiming they fell “unsafe.” This is exactly what happened to me.
My ex wife had been planning for a divorce and she set up a plan beforehand to paint me in the most negative light possible:
- She told the pediatrician I had been starving my daughter by putting her on a vegan diet. I only found out about this a month before our family was scheduled to move
- She created a plan for our family to move cross-country, and cancelled the plan days before
So yeah, I was upset with my wife. Both for framing me for our daughter’s decline, and for creating a false plan to move cross-country, and cancelling last minute.
So what did my ex-wife do? Of course, she runs to a judge, says she feels unsafe, and a judge gave her a protective order. So police then threw me out of my own home.
There has never been domestic violence, drugs, or drinking. My wife has never felt unsafe. She simply used a protective order as a tactic. These local judges hand these out like candy, and there is no due process. When my wife changed locks on the house, the court didn’t care.
These police are helping the wrong people. My ex wife should’ve been in jail for her illegal wiretapping of another man. Yet, not only did she get away with this completely, but then I was throw out of my own home on her simply telling a judge she felt unsafe. And these cops treated me like an absolute criminal when they came in. This is my house! Yet I was treated like I had robbed the place.
The whole system needs to be dismantled. Someone should not be able to get a protection order simply based on an argument and saying they feel unsafe. It just allows for the abuse and misuse of the process. It allows these type of women to operate without any consequence for their actions.