Lakeside Pediatrics is so corrupt that I sued them in federal court and have created a website just about them. You can reach me at [email protected].
My Overall Thoughts
Outside of my divorce, I have never had an issue with any doctor, dentist, or other medical professional. I’ve always found them to be competent, understanding, and calm. They truly seem to care about having me be as healthy as possible. However, when it came to dealing with pediatricians and my ex-wife, things became not only contentious, but these providers were covering up for my now ex-wife’s child abuse and neglect, and were lying and blaming me.
Prairie Family Medicine
Patricia (“Patty”) A. Woods FNP was the medical provider seeing our daughter from 2021 to 2023. In 2022, my wife lied to her, saying that I had made our daughter vegan, and that this is why our daughter was malnourished. Patty believed my ex-wife’s false accusations of child abuse, despite my showing evidence to show I was innocent. Later, my wife was forced to admit in court it was a lie. But did Patty ever call Maria out, or ask why she was making false accusations? Of course not. What Patty did do, is blame me for daughter’s malnourishment, based on my angry towards my wife about her lies.
This was all insane. As soon as I found out my ex-wife was starving our daughter, I took strong charge of her diet, and she gained weight faster than ever. Of course, nobody ever cared about this, and they continued to blame me, and hold my wife as innocent. The actual truth is that my wife was starving our daughter, falsely blamed me for it, and our daughter got better once I took charge.
So Patty got it 100% backwards. She should’ve called my wife out for the false accusations. She should’ve acknowledged that my daughter gained weight quickly as soon as I took charge of her diet. But, Patty holds the “defend the mother at any cost” mentality, which is exactly why she acted this way.
Lakeside Pediatrics
This office is outright corrupt and shielded my ex-wife when they knew she was engaging in child abuse and neglect. This office should be investigated and there should be criminal charges against them for what they did.
Kayla Ellis is the one who lied to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
There is something corrupt in pediatric offices where they have a “support the mother” idea at all costs, even when the mother is abusing the children. They are also opposed to me, when those men aren’t onboard with the mothers. This idea is simply dangerous and hurts children, but this idea seems deepy embedded into the mindset of people in these pediatric offices.
In most cases parents follow advice of doctors and there’s no issue. However, when a mother is severly neglecting children, these pediatricians should be calling them out, especially when the father is trying to do the right thing. Rather, they attack the father, and shileld the mother.